Empowering Women Through Education
Programs Made by Women, for Women
Get the most of what life has to offer with help from the Autumn Rise Foundation. We offer a variety of educational and financial aid programs that are available to women of all ages in Rochester,
New York.

Educational Programs
TeaTime is held on the last Thursday every month. During TeaTime, there will be a short presentation on the topic of the month by an ARF board member. This is followed by a guest speaker presentation as well as open discussion including Q&A. TeaTube is a panelist discussion held on Zoom Meeting and panelist will discuss the topic of the month. The Zoom meeting recording will be uploaded to YouTube every month. Learn more about TeaTime and TeaTube here.
BookBank showcase the books we believe are a must-read. As the seasons change, so do our book choices. We post the book of the season on all social media platforms. There is an open discussion thread in a private Facebook group where people can post their reviews, questions, and comments on the book. Learn more about our BookBank and get involved in the conversation by clicking here.
BlossomBlog allows us to foster continuous learning through educational articles. ARF post a blog article that pertains to the month’s focus on the last Tuesday of every month. Read all of our BlossomBlog articles and blog submissions by visiting our BlossomBlog website. Learn more about BlossomBlog and visit our website by clicking here.
RiseRemarks refer to our educational content. ARF post daily on all our social media platforms. These post pertain to the topic of the month, events, professional advancement opportunities, motivational statements, and educational opportunities. Learn more about RiseRemarks and connect with us on our social media by clicking here.
The UNTOUCHED Tea Podcast
The Untouched Tea Podcast aims to create an open space to discuss deep, granular, and “untouched” parts of controversial issues that affect women in both positive and negative ways. Podcasts are be recorded in New York City. If you’re interested in becoming a guest speaker send an email to Michelle Koduah, CMO. Visit our podcast website and listen to the Untouched Tea podcast today! Learn more about the Untouched Tea Podcast and how to become a guest on the show by clicking here.
Book Club
The Oasis Book Club series is a virtual book club offered by ARF. This book club meets monthly via Zoom Meeting. The book club allows people to come together and discuss the ARF book of the season. This program was inspired by the ARF BookBank. Every season the ARF will feature a new book for the BookBank and that will be the book used for the Oasis Book Club. You can join our virtual book club at anytime. Learn more about the Oasis Book Club and how you can join by clicking here.
The FIELD Blossom Program
The Field Blossom Program will showcase our board members giving back to the communities they navigate. We want to show our board members leading by example which include volunteering, mentoring, motivational speaking, and much more. Please contact the ladies of ARF with any volunteering opportunities. Learn more about the Field Blossom Program and how our board members lead by example by clickinghere.
The AUTUMN Rise Spotlight
The Autumn Rise Spotlight was created to highlight community leaders from the Rochester area. We at ARF want to shine a light on the people that display selflessness and give back to their community. Nominate yourself or someone you know that is giving back to the community and creating change. This person will be featured on all of our social media platforms. Learn more about the Autumn Rise Spotlight and how you can nominate someone you know by clicking here.
Charity Programs
There will be three scholarship applications opened to locals every year.
I. On Your Way - Forging the path to your future
Qualification: High School Student
Merit-based scholarship offered to high school students in their junior or senior year. Award granted with intent to utilize funds for professional clothing, college applications, and generalized test preparation courses
Award Amount: $1,000
Eligibility Requirements:
Rochester resident
Current high school junior or senior
Autumn Rise Foundation Member
Minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA
Application Deadline: TBD
II. Leading the Way - Making Moves To Create A Foundation For Yourself
Qualification: College or University Student
Merit-based scholarship offered to community college or university students. Award granted with intent to utilize funds for study abroad, work abroad, graduate school application professional clothing, tuition cost, dorm furniture, and travel expenses.
Award Amount: $1,000
Eligibility Requirements:
From Rochester, New York
Full-time college or university student
Autumn Rise Foundation Member
Minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA
Application Deadline: TBD
III. Paving the Way - Creating The Structure For A Successful Life
Qualification: Adult Professional
Merit-based scholarship offered to adult professionals. Award granted with intent to utilize funds transportation cost, daycare, college application for professional clothing, trade school.
Award Amount: $1,000
Eligibility Requirements:
Rochester resident
Autumn Rise Foundation Member
Application Deadline: TBD
The Autumn Rise Foundation will sponsor high school students on a yearly basis. Board Members of The Autumn Rise Foundation will provide high school students with hands-on assistance to prepare for prom and complete school shopping.
I. Beauty Runs Skin Deep (Prom) / Underneath It All (School Supplies)
Qualification: High School Student
Need-based sponsorship offered to high school students to obtain all necessary items for attending prom or starting a successful school year. Board Members will assist in purchasing clothing, school supplies and electronics for the academic year.
Board members will help with all aspects of prom including accompanying winner to Fairy Godmother, doing makeup and hair, nail services, transportation and a photoshoot prom day.
Award Amount: Varies
Eligibility Requirements:
Rochester resident
Current high school sophomore, junior or senior
Autumn Rise Foundation Member
No GPA requirement
Women only
Application Deadline: TBD
The Autumn Rise Foundation has a commitment to give back locally and one community grant will be provided to a local individual, organization, or group that aims to improve the community. The Autumn Rise Foundation engages in opportunities that align with our key area of focus.
I. The 365 Grant
Qualification: Individual or organization in the community
Community grants will be awarded to an individual or organization in the community that is working to benefit the community granted on a yearly basis.
Award Amount: $500
Eligibility Requirements:
Rochester resident or Rochester based
Application Deadline: TBD